Wednesday, March 26, 2014

So what's next?

I've been pondering this.  One of the million books I'm reading now is this book by Andy Stanley.  Actually, haven't started it - but will this week.  The original title was What to Cheat (I believe).  The gist of the book is decided what to spend your time on - you honestly have to cheat something in your life each day to get everything done.  So will you take time away from the Bible, your husband, your kids, your job, etc.

There are also some other books like the Husband Project.
    Praying God's Word for your Husband
    Praying God's Word for you Life
    Project Marriage (but I think we would have to bring our husbands in on this)
    The Me Project (might be good for us)
    The Get Yourself Organized Project (Lord, I need this.  Amen!)
    21 Ways to Connect to your Kids
So what do you girls think?  I'm up for anything.  And we really don't have to read a book to continue supporting each other!  I will keep the blog up and running.  I'll try to post anything that "feels right" for our group.  

So, I've finished my projects - have you? Are you keeping it up?

I've finished!  I was going to keep it going - that's still my plan.  But......  since this is a SAFE group I wanted to share this.

What do you do when you feel your husband is being selfish?  When they honestly think it should always be about them?  I'm struggling with this.

For example:  When I'm asleep I really don't want Mr. Chipper to wake me up.  Ella is the same way - we both wake to alarms better than people.  Brad knows this - heck we've been married 15 years next month.  He should know it!  So this morning he left for a 4 day trip at 5:00 am.  We don't have to be up until 6:45.  He woke me to say bye (I'm actually okay with that since its 4 days) but he went upstairs and woke Ella to say bye.  They had said their byes last night.  I confronted   him and he said she went back to sleep.  He also said no one understands being away from their children for 4 day stretches.  He thinks he misses alot.  He really doesn't miss anything important (he's usually off for those)  our day is usually school, work until 4 then gymnastics or piano then home by 6:00.  Shoot by then it feels like bedtime.  :) But that isn't the issue.  The issue is why would you be selfish like that?  Am I crazy to think that's selfish?  Or should I be happy he wanted to say bye.  But of course she was in a horrible mood for school today.  And I was too! 

I know we all struggle with things in our marriages and the best thing is to talk about it and pray about it.  I get that really.  But it's harder to do than that - we all know that!  :) 

So what do you do when frustration takes over? Do you ignore it?  Give it to God?  Talk about it?  Pout like I'm doing?  Get mad?

Tell me please!  

Monday, March 24, 2014

A good reminder for us all - maybe the next devo at K4C meeting :)

Hello My Name is Wendy and I Gossip

It’s a sensitive topic.
As Christian women, we don’t want to admit we do it. To soften its severity we call it sharing. Adding to the deception we conclude these conversations with a sweet whisper of bless her heart.
It’s gossip- unstrained, casual conversation.
Over the years as I have battled with my blabber-mouth-self I have come to realize this is not a fight I can win on my own. Girlfriend to girlfriend, maybe you struggle with gossip too. Through multiple defeats I have learned victory will come when we:
Key 1 – Can Be honest with Ourselves
Call it what it is: gossip. It’s not sharing.  It’s not a prayer request. It’s not an “I know you are close to such-and-such and thought you would want to know…” word to tell. It. Is. Gossip. Honestly, this is the hardest part for me. There’s a part of me that loves to share in a whisper what I know. Lord, help me
Key 2 – Listen to Our Helper
Jesus knew life would be hard for us. (John 16:33)  He knew full well the power of temptation. (Matthew 4:1-11) Therefore, when He left this world, He sent the Holy Spirit. It is the job of the Holy Spirit to to let us know when we are about to sin. (John 16:13) In that moment, when our throat tightens and heart beats in triple time, and when our Helper whispers, “Hey. This is wrong” we need zip our lips and walk away.
Key 3 – Lean on His Word
There is a truth in God’s Word for everything we face. It might take some sleuthing but when we find the truth, we find power. Years ago in my regular Bible study this truth jumped right off the page into my heart, “Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips” (Psalm 141:3). Yielding to this truth gives me power. It will give you power too!
Let’s consider how different our relationships might be if we shared His truths rather than unrestrained conversation. What if we became intentional in making our conversations meaningful rather than causal?
Oh how thought!

Friday, March 21, 2014

something to think about

Recently my husband hurt my feelings so I resorted to the ever so mature silent treatment. Can you relate?
Well, I was so upset that I called a friend who I was sure would understand and say something to make me feel better. But what she said actually pierced my heart and helped to change my perspective. She asked me, “Lysa, if you knew something might happen to Art today and he’d never come home again, would this situation really matter?”
Suddenly, my hurt was put into perspective and my outlook was completely different. Instead of the silent treatment I called my husband and gently told him why his statement had hurt my feelings. The anger and hurt had dissipated and, thanks to my wise friend, I was free to live the rest of that day with no regrets.
(From today’s radio show, “Everyday Life with Lysa & Renee” ~ a production of Proverbs 31 Ministries)

It's Friday! Yay! Enjoy your "Husband" time!

62 Things to Say to Make Your Husband Feel Great

Do you want to make your husband feel great? From sincere compliments to questions to help you understand your man better this list has 62 ways to do just that.
1. Thanks for doing that. It means a lot to me when you serve me in little ways like that.
2. I am such a different woman because of the way you _____ (love me, gently lead me, make me feel secure, etc.).
3. I know you and I haven’t been seeing eye-to-eye lately. But I want to let you know that I accept you whether I agree with you or not, and I’m committed to working on our relationship so we both feel understood and secure.
4. I have not a bit of a headache tonight. Interested?
5. I can’t believe how _____ you are. You are so clearly gifted in that area.
6. I’m seeing lately that you may not feel very _____, but I hope you know I still respect you deeply.
7. Let’s clear the calendar and get outta Dodge together.
8. The way you _____ is such a good complement to me. God knew what I needed when He gave me you.
9. You are my best friend.
10. I am more in love with you than ever.
11. I want to go out with you. Are you free _____ night?
12. No matter how royally you mess up, I’ll always be glad you’re mine, I’ll forgive you, and I’ll love your socks off.
13. I remember when I _____. I felt really _____. I don’t know if that’s like what you’re going through, but either way, I want to be there for you.
14. I’m sorry. Will you please forgive me for _____?
15. I saw this and knew it would look great on you.
16. I’m proud of you. That takes an incredible amount of courage/humility/forethought, etc.
17. I got you this, just because.
18. I forgive you. And I won’t bring this up again, okay?
19. Got a minute? There’s something I want to show you in the bedroom.
20. Lately I’ve really seen you grow in the area of _____, like when you _____.
21. You’re right.
22. I hope it’s okay; I tackled _____ from your to-do list today. I know it’s been hanging over your head.
23. Got your favorite snack at the grocery store!
24. I admire you in _____. In fact, I could learn a lot from you in that area.
25. I trust you.
26. Go ahead and sleep in tomorrow.
27. I had no idea you could do that! You continue to impress me.
28. What do you think?
29. Can I give you a massage?
30. To the kids: I love your dad so much. He is so _____.
31. I love being around you.
32. I got a babysitter tonight!
33. I think you have so much to offer, and I can see it in the ways you _____.
34. I’m so glad you’re home.
35. I saw this at the store, and it made me think of you.
36. Thank you!
37. I love doing _____ with you.
38. I stayed within the budget this month!
39. You are one of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten. I am so humbled God gave me you.
40. You and me this evening: Game on.
41. I feel so proud when I’m with you.
42. Mind if I hold your hand?
43. I made your favorite _____.
44. Yeowzas. That looks great on you.
45. You are so well-disciplined in _____.
46. Do you feel like I’m understanding you?
47. You handled that incredibly well.
48. What would sound great for dinner tonight?
49. Let’s put the kids to bed early.
50. If there were one thing you could change about me as your wife, what would it be?
51. You have some real gifts in the area of _____.
52. I got tickets!
53. Why don’t you take the night off? I’ve got the kids.
54. It is so cool to watch the man you’ve become even since we’ve been married.
55. Just wanted to let you know I’m praying for you.
56. I got the car washed and serviced today, hoping it would just take a little of the load off your plate.
57. I love it when you wear that.
58. You still take my breath away.
59. I miss you. Have a great time!
60. Our kids are so blessed to have a dad like you. I love the way you _____ them.
61. You make me so happy just by being you.
62. I love you so much.
One final note: Maybe you’re a woman who initiates a lot of love for your man, but tenderness is not often reciprocated. Maybe you’re reading this under the burden of a husband who doesn’t serve you or protect you or cherish you. We want to compassionately encourage you: Jesus gave without mutual gain, too—and that puts you in some pretty good company. We’re asking God to give you remarkable, gentle grace as you lift up your spouse in prayer, and as you meet everyday struggles against resentment and, in several cases, injustice. Our God is the God who sees (Genesis 21:15-21).

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wanted to share.... love you girls!

Irritated. Frustrated. Hurt.
Those were the words bumping around in my mind as I grabbed my Bible and sat down to do some sort of quiet time.
I felt like such a fake, mindlessly scanning these words on thin pages. My heart wasn’t connecting. My mind wasn’t tuned in. All I could think about was the argument I’d had with my husband.
Why couldn’t he see my point? Why didn’t he understand? Why was he being so stubborn?
I closed my Bible and decided a much more productive thing to do with this situation would be to pray. That’s what godly women do. And oh, how spiritually sound I felt listing all the many things the Lord could do to fix my man – all that was wrong with him.
Sounds spiritual. However, it was anything but.
Suddenly in the middle of my prayer, all I could sense God saying was, “Stop.”
Stop? Stop praying? Well, that certainly couldn’t be from the Lord… so I kept going.
But the word “stop” was pulsing through my mind with each beat of my heart. And deep in my heart, I started to sense why.
God wasn’t looking for me to be a “fix him” wife.
God was looking for me to be a “love him” wife.
I needed to stop praying. At least, I needed to stop praying the way I had been. Yes, there were things my husband needed to work on. But nothing good was happening when all I did was complain about him.
I needed to be a wife daring enough to ask God to reveal to me how to love him. And I needed to ask God where I was going wrong, where I was being selfish, and where I needed to work.
When I shifted my focus on letting God change me, that’s when I started to see real progress.
In the season of struggling through all of this, God taught me three powerful lessons:
1. Is this an irritation or an issue?
There is a big difference between an irritation and an issue. Identifying the difference helps me pick my battles. If this is just an irritation, maybe I need to practice being more flexible, patient, or willing to extend grace.
2. Am I praying about or for my husband?
If I do sense something that needs to change then I need to pray for my husband, not about him. Praying about him is just ranting. Praying for him means digging into God’s Word and praying Scriptures specific to his struggles. That’s powerful! When we pray the WORD of God, we pray the WILL of God.
3. Where is my focus?
I’ll never be able to control how another person acts and reacts, but I certainly can control how I act and react. My focus shouldn’t be on having the right partner. My focus should be on being the right partner.
Slowly, as I shifted my heart in these areas, I saw such progress in our marriage. Do I still get irritated, frustrated and hurt? Of course.
But when I stopped trying to fix him, I was freed up to just love him. And that’s a much more fun and realistic job for me.
End note: These words are easy to type but much harder to live. Good gracious do I readily admit that! I write this to point out my issues… not to heap any kind of condemnation on you. Every marriage is unique and different in their challenges and struggles. But maybe there is something here that could help you.
If so, which of these three lessons applies to you today? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.
By Lysa TerKeurst

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3 posts in one day

Sorry I've fallen behind.  I have let my projects slip.  But I'm back and going to hit it strong today!  I now realize that it's more important to continue with this when our husbands make it almost impossible to "WANT" to do it.  I just haven't felt it for the past few days.  And Brad has noticed.  Shoot, Ella has noticed. 

But baby I'm back and ready to hit it hard!  Love you girls and pray for you daily!


Oh my - this is me and Brad - I need to ask him what I can share.

Are you His ‘Help-Meet’ when Others are Watching?

My hubby came home from work the other day with the funniest story. We laughed for a good ten minutes, so I was surprised a few days later at his reluctance when I asked him to share the debacle with my sister and her husband. Of course, I brought it up while we were all in the room together, so he had no choice but to tell it.
When I asked him later if I read him right and he hadn’t wanted to share, all he said was “No, I didn’t.” But the irritated expression on his face conveyed his point: I had crossed a line.
Honestly, I don’t know why it bothered him. He and I got a good laugh out of it. The problem could’ve happened to anyone. So what was the big deal? Why was he embarrassed to share?
After nearly 15 years of marriage, I feel like I know my husband pretty well. But that day, I totally blew it. You see, when it comes to talking about your man, your opinion on any topic that pertains to him doesn’t matter. What matters is how he feels about it. When others are watching (and even when they’re not!) we must speak in a way that he will perceive as respectful.

So how do we know what we can say about our husbands in public?

1. Focus on being his ‘help-meet’. Do a quick mental calculation and ask yourself if your words fit the definition of what is expected from a ‘help meet’. (See Lara’s post for a detailed description.)  Is what you’re saying about your man protective, healthy, or like a balm? Does it serve him or honor him?
2. Learn what he perceives as supportive and respectful. All men are different, so what they’re okay with you saying will differ with each marriage. It takes time to know your husband, and even after years of being together, there will still be more to learn!
3. If you’re not sure what he’s okay with, ask him. Or even if you are sure, run it by him anyway. I wish I’d done that in this particular case!
Instead of trying to convince my hubby to see the situation my way, or telling him to just get over it, I decided to validate his feelings. I apologized for embarrassing him that day.
What about you? Are you his ‘help-meet’ when others are watching?

Something we all need....

The Fervent Prayer of a Selfish Wife Avails Nothing

It’s so easy to see the flaws in others–especially our husbands. It is even easier to pray that God change them, and make them what WE think that they should be.
Unfortunately, these selfish prayers will get us nowhere; and I am pretty certain, God is not in the business of granting wishes like He is a genie in a bottle!
Trust me.
I know these prayers do not work.
I have prayed these prayers until I was ready to burst with anger and frustration.
Please don’t get me wrong, I am sure that there are MANY wives who have husbands with MANY issues–I am one of these wives. I am also confident that there is nothing wrong with praying for our husband’s deliverance, protection, character issues, and overall betterment. In all honestly, that is part of our jobs as wives–to help our husbands. Praying for them is definitely a form of helping them! However, the prayers should never be focused on all that God needs to do to make them better husbands for US.

This is the epitome of selfishness.

Think about it:
We go to God and lay out our list of what HE needs to do to change our husbands to make US happy. All the while never thinking about the tremendous log that has overtaken our own eyes. You see, praying for God to change anyone, is not only overflowing with wrong motives, it is unproductive and will gain us nothing but frustration and confusion.
How can you think of saying, ‘Friend, let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? You hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye. – Luke 6:42
Only when we pray for God to mold and change US into the wives and women that HE created us to be, will we ever see change. Only then will we have peace and joy. Only then will our prayers be helpful and productive to our marriages!
We need to take a serious SELF inventory and deal with our OWN issues.
If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the Truth.  – 1 John 1:8
Let’s pray now…
Dear Lord, forgive me for every selfish prayer I have prayed. Forgive me for only thinking of myself and what I want. Forgive me for placing fleshly, unrealistic, and worldly expectations on my husband. Forgive me for making my prayer time about a list of things YOU need to do for me. Lord, I want what YOU want for my life. Help me to deal with my own sin, and to pray properly for my husband. Help me to be the wife and woman that You created me to be from the inside out. Help me to shine for You and to be an example of Your grace, love, and mercy before my husband. Lord, thank You for the man that You blessed me with. Thank You for all that he is and all that You plan for him to be. Help me to see him the way that You do. Help me to see his potential and not his flaws. Help me to love, honor, respect, and forgive him. Thank You. In Jesus’ MIGHTY and Saving Name, amen!

Dig Deeper:

I encourage you to go further on this topic. Look up the following Scriptures in a couple translations. Pray over them. Look up any cross references. Ask God to reveal Truth to you to apply in your life!
  • Romans 12:10
  • 1 Corinthians 10:24
  • Romans 12:3
  • Philippians 2:4
  • Matthew 7:3-5
  • James 4:6
  • Proverbs 16:18-19

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

This is very interesting to me. See the bottom of the post for my message.


I Rented A Car To Protect My Marriage

I’m passionate about my marriage. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect it. Recently, this meant renting a car and driving to the Philadelphia airport by myself.
It all started in December when Bob and I were trying to think of how to thank Suzy, our lead teacher of Secret Keeper Girl, for ten years of ministry partnership. A Caribbean cruise seemed to be just the thing, so we bought Suzy and her husband Jonathan two tickets. Of course, we thought we should tag along and got two tickets for our selves.
In the week leading up to our departure date, some challenges arose and Bob had to join Suzy and the rest of our Secret Keeper Girl team in Chattanooga the day before our vacation. That meant Jonathan and I would be departing from our hometown on our own rather than with Bob. I guess some women would have felt comfortable taking a four-hour drive to the airport with a trusted male friend. I didn’t.
And it’s because of something that happened in a hotel room in California almost 20 years before I was born.
One afternoon in 1948, a young Billy Graham invited a few friends—George Beverly Shea, Cliff Barrows, and Grady Wilson— to his hotel room in the city of Modesto. There in that room, the four men decided (among other things) that to protect their marriages they would never be alone in a room or travel alone in a vehicle with any woman other than their own individual wives. The commitments they made to each other became known as the Modesto Manifesto. From that day on, Graham stated, “I did not travel, meet, or eat alone with a woman other than my wife.” One of the great hallmarks of his life-long ministry is that it was scandal free. What a gift of faithfulness he gave to his precious wife, Ruth.
Bob and I heard about the practical way this man lived out his passion for his marriage when our own marriage was brand new. We decided to follow his example. We don’t follow it because we are speakers. We made the decision when we were in our 20s and working as marketing consultants with no dream of writing books, speaking, and traveling. Our verbal commitment to one another is something like this:
•We don’t go out to eat alone with someone of the opposite sex.
•We don’t get in a car or room alone with someone of the opposite sex.
•We copy one another when emailing someone of the opposite sex with personal information.
Through the years we have had friends, board members, business partners and complete strangers question our decision. But we’re stickin’ to it.
My vacation cost me $211.15 more than I’d planned for one simple reason: my marriage is priceless to me.

 Just an FYI - this now makes sense to me  .  .  
Pastor Bruce told Amy from the day he arrived at our church that he doesn't ride in the car with a woman that isn't his wife.  She shared with me when we were carpooling somewhere that Bruce and Warren would drive together but we would have to drive ourselves.  Sounds like to me he followed Billy Graham's lead.  Just wanted to share with you guys.  I'm now wondering have I ever been in a car with another man and no one else since we got married?  Only family members (dad/brother) but not positive. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Turn spare puzzle pieces into a homemade Valentine's Day card with a marker and a bit of glue.Today has been super hard for me.  I'm tired and really I don't want to be nice to my husband tonight.  I've worked all day and he's enjoyed the day at home.  I WILL suck it up and say a few extra prayers that I put my nice hat on and do my duties as a wife.  He goes to work tomorrow and I'll miss being nice then.  So, I'm letting it all go right now and starting fresh because really Brad and I are a perfect fit. :)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Prayers for a great week!

I think we are all a little tired with the time change.  We will be short tempered this week, I'm sure.  But with God's help I see a brighter light. :)  Please pray for all of us today - one of us has an important test, another is struggling completing this project husband, and lots of us are just over all of this and ready for "ours"!  I've really enjoyed this little group, it's nice to check in with each other and feel some encouragement. 

I feel like we are Secret Agents on a top secret mission!  I'm willing to keep this blog going after the 21 days if you girls like.  We can even do another top secret mission......  up to you girls. 

My marriage is stronger, my friendship with you girls is stronger and most importantly I'm closer with God because I've had to pray a lot more to get through some days!  lol. 

Love you girls!


Friday, March 7, 2014

So what annoys you? This husband project has helped with the ways Brad annoys me -

What Annoys YOU?
As I was reading through Proverbs 12 today, I was impressed again by another powerful verse.
“A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.” Proverbs 12:16
Think about that for a minute.
Picture yourself late for work, driving behind someone going 10 miles under the speed limit.
Picture yourself at the grocery store in line with someone who has forgotten their checkbook and didn’t notice until their entire order was run through. Add to that you are trying to contain 3 unruly, tired and very antsy children.
Picture yourself waiting an hour for your husband to come home and he hasn’t called yet.
Picture yourself in the nursery at church, watching 10 other children and the teacher still hasn’t shown up and church started 10 minutes ago.
The “picture yourself” scenerios could go on and on… what annoys you?
Pause here. Go over the last few days. What REALLY annoys you?
Ok. Now, go back and read that verse over again. Have you been prudent or have you been a fool?
  • prudent – wise or judicious in practical affairs
I read this verse about a year ago and it has changed how I drive, how I parent, how I wait, how I think, and how I interpret situations. I don’t get annoyed as quickly as I used to.
I don’t get so frustrated when someone puts a dent in my schedule or interrupts the flow of my day.
Because wisdom says to overlook their mistakes, overlook their lack of consideration, overlook their annoying habit.
Proverbs 29:11 says, “A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.”
I certainly haven’t mastered the art of “overlooking”. But, I can say that I am more aware of my thoughts, my attitude, my actions and my words.
Sometimes a smile is what that offending person needs… I’m sure they need that more than they need a show of annoyance.
What can you overlook today and in doing so, keep yourself under control?

A Share from Sue

 Thanks Sue, we all needed this!

 AnGeL Ministries - Anne Graham Lotz - God's Love


God's Love

God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
Romans 5:5, NIV
Did you know that you are God's special loved one? Why would He love you so? Maybe it's because when you abide in Christ you are so saturated in Jesus that when God looks at you, He sees His own precious Son and envelopes you in His love for Jesus' sake!
As you and I develop and grow in this love relationship with God, abiding with Him through meaningful prayer and Bible reading, getting to know Him on a deeper level as we live out what we say we believe, He fills us with Himself. And "God is love" (1 John 4:16, NKJV). As you and I are filled with God, we will be filled with His love, not only for Himself, but for others - which includes our spouses or the incompatible people with whom we are struggling. God has promised to pour out "his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."

Thursday, March 6, 2014

With Love to my Husband

My Husband Love Romantic Valentine's Day Card
Beautiful card - Could leave the Valentine's Day off and hide it for him to find. :)

So true!!!

I totally agree about my husband's wife...  lmao!!!!
I'm here to chat if anyone needs a lift.  Call/text or email me Love you Girls!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Sorry I've fallen behind on posting

I've been super busy and haven't posted lately but......

Hope you girls are on track and the husbands are second guessing what's going on!  Any big plans for this week?  Not here, Brad is home tomorrow and back to work Thursday so I've got to stock his bag again with love notes lol. :)  

Ella has joined in by being nice at all times to her daddy.   No back talk.  That was a huge problem with her and him - they are a lot alike.  I've explained that I'm giving him extra attention for a while and she's noticed that he's easier to get along with - so she joined in with that part! 

Have a great week!

Post it note! This would be a great one!

A really good friend of mine from Tennessee told me that Awesome comes in two forms; You and Me. He's became my brother, and I miss him so much.